This page contains links to internet math games, printable math worksheets, family activities, math songs, math books, and teacher links. |
A+ Math - online flash cards in addition, subtraction, moneyBasket Math - interactive math games in English and Spanish
Let's Count - Math games in English and Spanish.
U.S. Mint Site - coins
PBS Cyberchase - math and science games from the PBS show
Harcourt Math Games - math glossary and games
Tomas & Patty Addition Game "Flying Apple" - from Pearson Education
Tomas & Patty Subtraction Game "Get Slimed!" - from Pearson Education
Funbrain Mathbrain Games - games from Pearson Education
Math Mayhem - Learning addition, subtraction game
Spacey Math - math games
Time Works - clock game
AAA Math for 2nd Grade - simple math games
Kids' Zone - online math quizzes
Interactive Manipulatives at
Intelli-tunes CD's by Ron Brown - great for memorizing basic facts
Doubles.mp3 - sample from the Math Concepts I & II CD
At Home With Math - Activities for parents and kids to do at home in English and Spanish.
SuperKids math worksheets - Make and print out your own worksheets in addition, subtraction, comparing values, etc.
math worksheets - More free addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division worksheets and answers from S&S Software.
A Little Bit of Change by Lucy Floyd
Alexander who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by Judith Viorst
Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream: A Mathematical Story by Marilyn Burns
Count on Pablo (Math Matters series) by Barbara deRubertis
Math Matters Books by Kane Press - The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for math and science education
The Math Forum - Drexel University's resources for teaching math
Annenberg/CPB - Free professional development workshops
Marilyn Burns Math Solutions - some lessons